熟到老外都感覺你英文好,加入量身訂做 翻譯1on1 program
3、結語及進一步 Closing Remarks and Reference to Future Contact
Could you possibly...?(你可不成以......)
I would be glad/delighted to...(我很樂意......)
I look forward to your reply.(很期待你的回應。)
After having received your email address from... 翻譯公司 I ...(我從OOO獲得你的email地址,我想......)
Best wishes, Best regards, Best(寫給熟悉的客戶、朋友)
其實英文email 翻譯內容,可以很簡單分為三段:
If you require any further information 翻譯公司 feel free to contact me.(如需進一步資訊,隨時聯系我 翻譯社)
Please find attached(請看附件......)
- Giving Bad News 告知欠好的消息
I would be grateful if you could…(如果你可以......,我會非常感激)
Thank you for your help. Please contact us again if we can help in any way.(謝謝你的幫手。有需要我們 翻譯地方,請和我們聯絡。)
Please advise as necessary.(請不惜賜教)
I am writing to enquire about...(我想扣問有關......)
If you have any questions, let me know as soon as possible.(有任何問題,儘快讓我知道。)
良多人感覺寫貿易英文email很難,一寫就寫好久,十分困難寫完又覺得該說 翻譯事沒說清楚,寄出去怕毛病太多 翻譯社
Yours sincerely 翻譯公司(一開首有指名收寫給特定某人,但並不熟悉)
- Enclosing Documents 附帶文件
Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience.(造成未便,真的很抱愧 翻譯社)
Yours faithfully, (信件一開始並沒有寫收信人名字,如Dear Hiring Manager, 結尾就選擇有距離感的Yours faithfully)
With reference to your email of 29 Dec., I...(有關你12月29日的email…...)
4、The Finish 信末
I am attaching(我附上......)
In reply to your e-mail of 29 Dec.,...(答複你12月29日的email......)
I look forward to seeing you.(很等候與你晤面)
- Requesting or Agreeing to Requests 要求對方或同意對方要求
We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.(等候有機遇合作。)
有了這三段式的email寫作佈局,你只要填入現實內容,一封email很快就完成了。貿易英文email不求文情並茂,最好是文字少可是切重要點 翻譯社以下句型多寫幾回以後就記在腦海,熟了之後寫一封email三分鐘就可以搞定。
Thank you for your email about/regarding...(感謝你的有關XXX 翻譯......)
Attached you will find(你可以看到附件......)
I would appreciate your immediate/prompt attention to this matter.(很進展你能儘快存眷此事。)
After having seen your advertisement in... 翻譯公司 I would like...(讀了你們在XXX的告白後,我想......)
I am afraid that(很遺憾......)
文章來自: http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/20172078有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯社