.Dishwasher detergents are highly caustic and can cause terrible
injuries to the throat and stomach if they are accidentally swallowed.
3. _____________ will continue to cause fundamental changes in _______________.
.Such criticism can cause considerable distress to many people.
.A lack of money can cause the embarrassment and difficulties in a social situation.
(1)「A causes B」的例句如下:
有些憂鬱症是由情況所引發 翻譯社
1. cause + n.
此研究比力中英文的發音系統,特別是要指出兩種系統間輕易引起干擾和疑心 翻譯差別處 翻譯社
2. cause + prep.
What caused you to change your mind?
.A confusing thinker is liable to cause controversy and conflict.
以下例句為句型操演,讀者可依自己 翻譯研究範疇填入空格,以熟習搭配文句型。
cause也常作及物動詞利用,表「引發」、「造成」(to make something
happen),通常搭配負面 翻譯事宜,例如difficulty 翻譯公司 damage, harm 翻譯公司 problem,
trouble等 翻譯社而在撰寫論文時也常用來表達兩個變項間 翻譯因果關係,如「A引發B的産生」便可用「A causes B」或「B is caused by A」 翻譯句型。
.Sometimes depression is caused by circumstances.
.It is quite rare to have an accident directly caused by some kind of
technical failure.
4. _________________ is caused by the application of _________________.
.U.S. culture may cause them confusion.
美國文化可能使他們疑心 翻譯社
這類句型強調的是了局,除利用動詞cause以外,還可用result in 翻譯公司 contribute to, lead to, be responsible for 翻譯公司 be the reason for, be the cause of, give rise to, bring about, trigger等字彙搭配來表達類似的意義。
.Changes in the number of chromosomes can cause severe health
problems in human beings.
2. _____________________ cause serious damage to ___________________.
.This study compares the sound systems of Chinese and English, with special attention given to identifying the differences between the
two systems which are likely to cause interference or confusion.
◎申明:cause以後也能夠加兩個受詞 (double objects),如上句中的them和
confusion。另外還有一相幹句型,可用「cause + 人 + to」表達「使某人做某事」,例如:
洗碗精具高度侵蝕性,若不謹慎吞食會對喉嚨和胃造成恐怖危險 翻譯社
(2)「B is caused by A」 翻譯例句以下:
1. ______________________ cause major problems.
……對……造成嚴重的損害 翻譯社
這類句型強調的是緣由,還可用result from 翻譯公司 follow from, arise from, derive
from 翻譯公司 stem from, be ascribed to 翻譯公司 be attributed to, be the result of, be the consequence of, be attributable to, be due to等字彙搭配來表達雷同 翻譯意義。
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