筆譯證照常需要用到英語對談 翻譯貿易人士,難免會晤對什麽時候該插話、何時得適合表達觀點 翻譯逆境 翻譯社本文帶大家來看看幾種商業場所(business occasion)和商務會議(business meeting)對談時,表達概念、當令插話、扣問對方意思與意見等的英語用法(phrases)。讓你應對進退之間把英文說得更有自傲!
適時插話、詢問對方意思:(Interrupting and asking for clarification or verification)
4. Sorry to interrupt you. Does that mean …?(對不起,打斷一下,這意思是…?)
5. Excuse me, what does that mean? / What do you mean? / I don’t see what you mean.(抱歉,您的意思是…?)
6. I’m sorry to interrupt you. Is that to say …? / Excuse me for interrupting, did that mean I have to…?(很負疚打斷你,這是說必須得…?)
扣問對方定見?(Asking for suggestions and opinions)
1. To be honest 翻譯公司 … / Frankly speaking, …(誠懇說… / 率直說…)
2. Let me give you my honest opinion. / Let me put this that way.(誠懇告知你我的意見。)
3. My concern is …(我的考量是…)
7. Do you have any idea? (你有任何設法嗎?)
8. What’s your opinion?(你的定見呢?)
9. Do you have any thoughts on this?(就這件事,你的設法主意呢?)
10. What do you think about this? / What do you think? / How do you feel about this?(你認為若何?)
本篇文章引用自此: http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/6158821有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯社