

Refer to ISO1891
Bolts 翻譯公司 screws, nuts and accessories - Terminology and nomenclature
中、英文名稱 對照

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螺栓、螺釘、螺帽、及附件 名詞術語

序號 中文名稱 英文名稱
2.1 通俗羅紋 Screw thread
2.2 錐羅紋 Taper screw thread
2.3 自攻羅紋(寬牙羅紋) Tapping screw thred (spaced thread)
2.4 木螺釘羅紋 Wood screw thread
2.5 米制羅紋 Metric thread (SI)
2.5 ISO米制羅紋 ISO metric thread
2.5 米制細牙羅紋 Metric fine pitch thread
2.5 ISO米制細牙羅紋 ISO metric fine pitch thread
2.5 寸制羅紋 Inch thread
2.5 同一羅紋 (ISO寸制) Unified screw thread (ISO inch)
2.5 惠氏羅紋 Whitworth thread
2.5 管螺紋 Pipe thread
2.5 惠氏管羅紋 Whitworth pipe thread
3.1 六角頭 Hexagon head
3.2 六角頭 墊圈面 Hexagon head with washer face
3.3 六角頭 凸緣 Hexagon head with collar
3.4 六角頭 法蘭面 Hexagon head with flange
3.5 方頭 Square head
3.6 方頭 凸緣 Square head with collar
3.7 三角頭 凸緣 Triangle head with collar
3.8 八角頭 Octagonal head
3.9 12角頭 法蘭面 12 point flange head (bihexagonal head)
3.10  T形頭 T head (hammer head)
3.11  圓頭 Round head
3.12  扁圓頭 Mushroom head (truss head)
3.13  圓柱頭 Cheese head
3.14  球面圓柱頭 Raised cheese head (fillister head)
3.15  盤頭 Pan head
3.16  沉頭 Countersunk head (flat head)
3.17  半沉頭 Raised countersunk head (oval head)
3.18  球面扁圓柱頭 Binding head
3.19  沉頭 清根 Undercut countersunk head (undercut flat head)
3.20  半沉頭 清根 Undercut raised countersunk head (undercut oval head)

4.1 標準桿 (桿徑=羅紋公稱直徑) Normal shank (nominal shank diameter=nominal thread diameter)
4.2 細桿 (桿徑~羅紋中徑) Reduced shank (shank diameter~effective pitch diameter)
4.3 腰狀桿 (桿徑<羅紋小徑) Waisted shank (shank diameter
4.4 增強桿 (桿徑>螺紋公稱直徑) Increased shank (shank diameter>thread diameter)
4.5 軸肩 Shoulder
4.6 方頸 Square neck

5.1 平端 As-rolled end
5.2 球面端 Rounded end
5.3 倒角端 Chamfered end
5.4 錐端 Cone point
5.5 截錐端 Truncated cone point
5.6 凹端 Cup point
5.7 短圓柱端 Short dog point
5.8 長圓柱端 Long dog point
5.9 短圓柱球面端 Short dog point with rounded end
5.10  短圓柱截錐端 Short dog point with truncated cone end
5.11  刮削端 Scrape point
5.12  自攻螺釘 翻譯末端 (C型 即以前 翻譯AB型) End for self-tapping screw (tapping screw type C point)
5.13  自攻螺釘的末尾 (F型 即之前的B型) End for self-tapping screw (tapping screw type F point)
5.14  自攻鎖緊螺釘的末尾 End for thread rolling screw (thread formed by deformation)
6.1 六角 Hexagon
6.2 四方 Square
6.3 三角 Triangle head with collar
6.4 八角 Octagon
6.5 12角 12 point (bihexagon)
6.6 內六角 Hexagon socket
6.7 內三角 Triangle socket
6.8 內四角 Square socket
6.9 內六花鍵 Six-spline socket
6.10  內12角 12 point socket (bihexagon socket)
6.11 開槽 Slot
6.12 十字槽 (菲利普) Cross recess (Phillips)
6.13  十字槽 (波滋垂) Cross recess (Pozidriv)
6.14 蝶形 (翼形) Wing
6.15 旋棒 Tommy
6.16  直紋滾花 Straight knurl
6.17 網紋滾花 Diamond knurl
6.18 十字孔 Cross hole (set pin holes in side)
6.19  五角 Pentagon
7.1 六角頭螺栓 Hexagon bolt
7.2 六角頭螺釘 Hexagon screw
7.3 帶六角螺母的六角頭螺栓 Hexagon bolt with hexagon nut
7.4 六角頭合營螺栓(有退刀槽) Hexagon fit bolt (and undercut adjacent to head)
7.5 六角頭長圓柱端緊定螺釘 Hexagon set screw with long dog point (and undercut adjacent to head)
7.6 六角頭短圓柱截錐端緊定螺釘 Hexagon set screw with short dog point and flat cone point
7.7 大六角頭螺栓 Hexagon bolt with large head (heavy series)
7.8 六角頭腰狀桿螺栓 Hexagon bolt with waisted shank (reduced shank)
7.9 六角頭凸緣螺栓 Hexagon bolt with collar
7.10  六角法蘭面螺栓 Hexagon bolt with flange
8.1 內六角圓柱頭螺釘 Hexagon socket head cap screw
8.2 內六角沉頭螺釘 Hexagon socket countersunk (flat) head cap screw
8.3 帶中間孔的內六角圓柱頭螺釘 Hexagon socket head cap screw with centre
8.4 內六角圓柱頭軸肩螺釘 Hexagon socket head shoulder screw
9.1 方頭螺釘 Square head bolt
9.2 方頭凸緣螺釘 Square head bolt with collar
9.3 方頭凸緣短圓柱球面端螺釘 Square head bolt with collar and short dog point with rounded end
10.1 三角頭凸緣螺栓 Triangle head bolt with collar
11.1 八角頭螺栓 Octagon bolt
12.1 12角頭法蘭面螺栓 12 point flange screw (bihexagonal head screw)
13.1 T形螺栓 T-head bolt (hammer head bolt)
13.2 T形方頸螺栓 T-head bolt with square neck
13.3 T形雙榫螺栓 T-head bolt with double nib
14.1 扁圓頭方頸螺栓 Mushroom head square neck bolt (cup square neck bolt ; coach bolt)
14.2 圓頭帶榫螺栓 Cup head nib bolt (cup nib bolt)
14.3 扁圓頭帶榫螺栓 Mushroom head nib bolt (cup nib bolt ;coach bolt)
14.4 圓頭橢圓頸螺栓 (魚尾板螺栓) Cup oval neck bolt (fish bolt)
14.5 圓頭方頸螺栓 (鐵路枕木用螺栓) Cup square neck bolt (bolt for railwayties)
15.1 沉頭方頸螺栓 Flat countersunk square neck bolt
15.2 沉頭帶榫螺栓 Flat countersunk nib bolt
15.3 深邃深摯頭螺栓 Deep flat countersunk bolt
15.4 方沉頭螺栓 Flat square countersunk bolt
15.5 鍛槽沉頭螺釘 (栓) Countersunk head screw with forged slot
16.1 開槽圓柱頭螺釘 Slotted cheese head screw
16.2 開槽盤頭螺釘 Slotted pan head screw
16.3 開槽沉頭螺釘 Slotted countersunk (flat) head screw
16.4 開槽半沉頭螺釘 Slotted raised countersunk (oval) head screw
16.5 開槽帶孔球面圓柱頭螺釘 Slotted capstan screw
16.6 開槽球面小圓柱頭螺釘 Slotted small raised cheese head screw
16.7 開槽球面大圓柱頭螺釘 Slotted large raised cheese head screw
16.8 開槽球面小圓柱頭長圓柱端螺釘 Slotted small raised cheese head screw with full dog point
16.9 開槽球面圓柱頭軸位螺釘 Slotted raised cheese heat fit screw (shoulder screw)
16.10  開槽半沉頭長圓柱端螺釘 Slotted raised countersunk head screw with full dog point
16.11  開槽沉頭長圓柱端螺釘 Slotted countersunk head screw with full dog point
16.12  開槽圓頭螺釘 Slotted round head screw
16.13  開槽球面圓柱頭螺釘 Slotted raised cheese (fillister) head screw
16.14  開槽淺沉頭螺釘 Slotted shallow countersunk (flat trim) head screw
16.15  開槽淺半沉頭螺釘 Slotted shallow raised countersunk (oval trim) head screw
17.1  十字槽球面圓柱頭螺釘 Cross recessed raised cheese (fillister) head screw
17.2  十字槽 盤頭螺釘 Cross recessed pan head screw
17.3  十字槽沉頭螺釘 Cross recessed countersunk (flat) head screw
17.4  十字槽半沉頭螺釘 Cross recessed raised countersunk (oval) head screw
18.1  六角頭螺栓和平墊圈組合件 Hexagon head bolt and plain washer assembly
18.2  六角頭螺栓、彈簧墊圈和平墊圈組合件 Hexagon head bolt,single coil spring lock washer and plain washer assembly
18.3  球面圓柱頭螺釘和波形彈性墊圈組合件 Raised cheese head screw and wave spring washer assembly
18.4  開槽半沉頭螺釘和錐形鎖緊墊圈組合件 Slotted raised countersunk head screw and countersunk external toothed lock washer assembly
19.1  翼形螺釘 Wing screw
19.2  活節螺栓 Eye bolt
19.3  吊環螺釘 Eyebolt
19.4  滾花高頭螺釘 Knurled thumb screw
19.5  開叉地腳螺栓 Masonry bolt
19.6  地腳螺栓 Foundation bolt
19.7  U形螺栓 Stirrup bolt (U-bolt)
19.8  環眼螺栓 Eyelet bolt
19.9  焊接螺柱 Weld stud (single end stud)
19.10  平片頭螺釘 Flat leaf screw
19.11 扁圓頭固定螺栓 Mushroom head anchor bolt
19.12  平頭固定螺栓 Flat head anchor bolt
19.13 皮帶螺栓 Belting bolt (elevator bolt)
19.14  卡箍螺栓 Clip bolt
19.15 六角頭蓋形螺栓 Acorn hexagon head bolt
19.16  旋棒螺釘 Tommy screw
19.17 彈性螺栓 Spring bolt
19.18  T形槽螺釘 T-slot screw
19.19 面板螺釘 Cover screw
20.1 六角頭螺塞 Hexagon head screw plug
20.2 內六角螺塞 Hexagon socket screw plug
20.3 內六角管塞 Hexagon socket pipe plug
20.4 六角頭管塞 Hexagon head pipe plug
20.5 內四方螺塞 Square socket screw plug
20.6 方頭螺塞 Square head screw plug
21.1 螺柱 Stud
21.2 帶退刀槽的螺柱 Stud with undercut (groove)
21.3 腰狀桿螺柱 Waisted stud
21.4 帶扳擰端標準桿雙頭螺柱 Double end stud with full shank
21.5 帶扳擰端細桿雙頭螺柱 Double end stud with reduced shank (waisted stud)
21.6 全羅紋螺柱 (螺桿) Stud bolt
22.1 開槽無頭倒角端螺釘 Slotted headless screw with flat chamfered end
22.2 內六角無頭倒角端螺釘 Hexagon socket headless screw with flat chamfered end
22.3 內六角無頭錐端螺釘 Hexagon socket headless screw with cone point
22.4 內六角無頭長圓柱端螺釘 Hexagon socket headless screw with long dog poing
22.5 內六角無頭凹端螺釘 Hexagon socket headless screw with cup point
23.1 開槽倒角端緊定螺釘 Slotted set screw with chamfered end
23.2 開槽長圓柱端緊定螺釘 Slotted set screw with long dog point
23.3 開槽凹端緊定螺釘 Slotted set screw with cup point
23.4 開槽錐端緊定螺釘 Slotted set screw with cone point
23.5 內六角倒角端緊定螺釘 Hexagon socket set screw with chamfered end
23.6 內六角長圓柱端緊定螺釘 Hexagon socket set screw with long dog point
23.7 內六角凹端緊定螺釘 Hexagon socket set screw with cup point
23.8 內六角錐端緊定螺釘 Hexagon.socket set screw with cone point
24.1 六角頭自攻螺釘 Hexagon head tapping screw
24.2 開槽盤頭自攻螺釘 Slotted pan head tapping screw
24.3 開槽沉頭自攻螺釘 Slotted countersunk (flat) head tapping screw
24.4 開槽半沉頭自攻螺釘 Slotted raised countersunk (oval) head tapping screw
24.5 十字槽沉頭自攻螺釘 Cross recessed countersunk (flat) head tapping screw
24.6 十字槽半沉頭自攻螺釘 Cross recessed raised countersunk (oval) head screw
25.1 六角頭木螺釘 Hexagon head wood screw
25.2 方頭木螺釘 Square head wood screw
25.3 開槽圓頭木螺釘 Slotted round head wood screw
25.4 開槽半沉頭木螺釘 Slotted raised countersunk (oval) head wood screw
25.5 開槽沉頭木螺釘 Slotted countersunk (flat) head wood screw
25.6 十字槽盤頭木螺釘 Cross recessed pan head wood screw
25.7 十字槽半沉頭木螺釘 Cross recessed raised countersunk (oval) head wood screw
25.8 十字槽沉頭木螺釘 Cross recessed countersunk (flat) head wood screw
25.9 開槽圓頭驅動 (強攻) 螺釘 Slotted round head drive screw
25.10  開槽沉頭驅動 (強攻) 螺釘 Slotted countersunk (flat)head drive screw
26.1 六角頭自切螺釘 Hexagon head thread cutting screw
26.2 開槽圓柱頭自切螺釘 Slotted cheese head thread cutting screw
26.3 開槽沉頭自切螺釘 Slotted countersunk (flat) head thread cutting screw
26.4 開槽半沉頭自切螺釘 Slotted raised countersunk head thread cutting screw
26.5 十字槽盤頭自切螺釘 Cross recessed pan head thread cutting screw
26.6 十字槽沉頭自切螺釘 Cross recessed countersunk (flat) head thread cutting screw
26.7 十字槽半沉頭自切螺釘 Cross recessed raised countersunk (oval) head thread cutting screw
27.1 六角頭自攻鎖緊螺釘 Hexagon head thread forming screw (thread formed by deformation)
28.1 六角螺母 Hexagon nut
28.2 六角薄螺母 Hexagon thin nut
28.3 六角凸緣螺母 Hexagon nut with collar
28.4 六角法蘭面螺母 Hexagon nut with flange
28.5 六角墊圈面螺母 Washer faced hexagon nut
28.6 大六角螺母 Heavy series hexagon nut
28.7 焊接六角螺母 Hexagon weld nut
29.1 方螺母 Square nut
29.2 沖壓螺母 Square nut without chamfer (pressed nut.)
29.3 地腳螺母 Foundation nut
29.4 方凸緣螺母 Square nut with collar
29.5 焊接方螺母 Square weld nut
30.1 三角凸緣螺母 Triangle nut with collar
31.1 八角螺母 Octagon nut
31.2 五角螺母 Pentagon nut
32.1 12角法蘭面螺母 12 point flange nut
33.1 有用力矩型全金屬六角鎖緊螺母 Prevailing torque type all metal hexagon nut
33.2 有用力矩型尼龍嵌件六角鎖緊螺母 Prevailing torque type hexagon nut with nylon insert
34.1 六角開槽螺母 Hexagon slotted nut
34.2 六角皇冠螺母 Hexagon castle nut
34.3 六角皇冠薄螺母 Hexagon thin castle nut
35.1 蓋形螺母 Acorn nut (domed cap nut)
35.2 蓋形薄螺母 Cap nut
36.1 滾花高螺母 Knurled nut with collar
36.2 滾花薄螺母 Knurled nut
36.3 開槽圓螺母 Slotted round nut
36.4 側面開槽圓螺母 Slotted round nut for hook-spanner
36.5 側面帶孔圓螺母 Round nut with set pin.holes in side
36.6 端面帶孔圓螺母 Round nut with drilled holes in one face
37.1 翼形螺母 Wing nut
37.2 吊環螺母 Lifting eye nut
37.3 螺旋扣 (緊線螺扣) Turnbuckle
37.4 環形螺母 Lifting nut
37.5 扁環形螺母 Lifting nut
38.1 平墊圈 Plain washer
38.2 單面倒角平墊圈 Single chamfer plain washer
38.3 方墊圈 Square washer with round hole
38.4 方孔圓墊圈 Round washer with square hole
38.5 方斜墊圈 (U形和工字鋼用) Suare taper washer (for U and I sections)
39.1 彈簧墊圈 Single coil spring lock washer with square ends
39.2 尖鉤端彈簧墊圈 Single coil spring lock washer with tang ends
39.3 雙圈彈簧墊圈 Double coil spring lock washer
39.4 鞍形彈性墊圈 Curved spring washer
39.5 波形彈性墊圈 Wave spring washer
39.6 錐形彈性墊圈 Conical spring washer
39.7 外齒鎖緊墊圈 Lock washer external teeth
39.8 內齒鎖緊墊圈 Lock washer internal teeth
39.9 錐形鎖緊墊圈 Countersunk external toothed lock washer
39.10  外鋸齒鎖緊墊圈 Serrated lock washer external teeth
39.11 內鋸齒鎖緊墊圈 Serrated lock washer internal teeth
39.12 錐形鋸齒鎖緊墊圈 Countersunk serrated external toothed lock washer
40.1 單耳止動墊圈 Tab washer with long tab
40.2 雙耳止動墊圈 Tab washer with long tab and wing
40.3 外舌止動墊圈 External tab washer
40.4 內舌止動墊圈 Internal tab washer
41.1 啓齒銷 Split pin

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