(by Lily章/世界公民文化中心)
□ 1. 你會說I will contact with you?
1. I will contact with you later.
2. Let’s discuss about it.
3. He emphasized on the importance of management.
4. She accompanies with him all the way.
5. My report will stress on the problem of ‘junk food.’
6. As I mentioned about it before, we need to move much faster on the case.
1. I will contact you later.
2. Let’s discuss it.
3. He emphasized the importance of management.
4. She accompanies him all the way.
5. My report will stress the problem of ‘junk food.’
6. As I mentioned before, we need to move much faster on the case.
□ 2. 從來搞不清楚介係詞是怎麼一回事!
1. We paid him a check of 10,000.
2. Deaths of lung cancer have been increasing gradually since 1950.
3. He is the former ambassador of the U.K.
4. He will be here after 10 minutes.
5. If someday my English becomes good, I would definitely admit it.
6. Could you please elaborate the idea?
7. If he had an opportunity to work abroad, he would jump in it.
1. We paid him a check for 10,000.
2. Deaths from lung cancer have been increasing gradually since 1950.
3. He was the former ambassador to the U.K.
4. He will be here in 10 minutes.
5. If someday I am good at English, I will definitely admit to it.
6. Could you please elaborate on the idea?
7. If he had an opportunity to work abroad, he would jump at it.
□ 3. 不知道”He became worse.”這句話哪裡錯了!
1. The CEO insists on his own opinion although others oppose it.
2. He became worse.
3. My sister bore a set of twins last week.
4. He got very good scores in the last test.
5. They make this idea become a business proposal.
6. Who will be in charge the meeting at 5 pm?
1. The CEO persists in his own opinion although others oppose it.
2. He got worse.
3. My sister gave birth to a set of twins last week.
4. He scored very high marks in the last test.
5. They turn this idea into a business proposal.
6. Who will be presiding over the meeting at 5 pm?
□ 4. 覺得自己說英文像說中文?
這類的錯誤最麻煩,因為乍看之下,沒有文法上的錯,但問題是,老外不會這麼說。很多人英文學了一陣子會進入停滯期,於是有所謂”ceiling effect”(天花板效應或極限效應)之說,以為學到一個程度就不可能再進步了。這時候學習的重點要特別注意和中文不同的語法結構。
1. I am going to change my company.
2. Yankee won Red Sox in the last night’s baseball match.
3. Sorry, I think the seat is empty.
4. He treated me friendly.
5. We have obligation to do so.
6. My house is ten minutes to hers.
1. I am going to change my job.
2. Yankee beat Red Sox in the last night’s baseball match.
3. Sorry, I didn’t know the seat is taken.
4. He treated me in a friendly way.
5. We are under obligation to do so.
6. It’s ten minute drive from my house to hers.
□ 5. 牛排嫩一點用soft還是tender?
1. Joanna was painful when her boyfriend left her.
2. The stake is soft.
3. Are you convenient to talk?
4. All these three cities are the same warm as Taipei.
5. The product that has caused the fewest complaints is from ABC Manufacturer.
6. Just call me. My phone is open all day.
7. Please handle this gold watch carefully. It worth more than $5,000.
1. Joanna was in pain when her boyfriend left her.
2. The stake is tender.
3. Is it a convenient time for you to talk?
4. All these three cities are as warm as Taipei.
5. The product that has caused the least complaints if form ABC Manufacturer.
6. Just call me. I’ll leave my phone on all day.
7. Please handle this gold watch carefully. It is worth more than $5,000.
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