Example: disunify (verb)
dis= not
uni= one
fy= make
Disunify means to break up or separate; "The country is disunifying"
(3) Spell by syllables. A syllable is a word part that is pronounced as one uninterupted sound.
(c) Roots
liber meter nov port
un 翻譯公司 uni vid, vis
One syllable though, stairs
(b) Suffixes
-able, -ible -ant,-ent -ful -fy
-ism -ive -less -ness
-ous, -ose -tude
(2) Use a dictionary.
Ohio University ESL
Two syllables 。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯Luck.y, re.gion
(1) Pronounce words carefully.
Three syllables min.i.mum 翻譯公司 e.lev.en
(a) Prefixes
anti- bi- co-, com-, con- dia- dis-
equi- mis- re- re- sub-
To learn the spelling of a word, pronounce it, study it and write it.
definite |
deny |
descendant |
doubtful |
majority |
navigator |
reliable |
symbol |
twilight |
vivid |
Four syllables her.biv.o.rous 翻譯公司
中班 : SAT
If the list given above is too daunting for you 翻譯公司 you may try to conquer the following shorter version first. Make sure you write your own notes to enhance your learning.
Utilize your dictionary and understand word structure.
Make sure you know how to sound out each word and be able to use it properly.
Now, Happy learning!
Essential English Verbal Ability Strategies:
You may increase your vocabulary gradually by reading widely 翻譯公司 always checking the definitions of unfamiliar words 翻譯公司 and by learning the meanings of common roots 翻譯公司 prefixes, and suffixes (word structure).
quadrennial |
sovereign |
ally |
liberator |
conservation |
elude |
diplomacy |
bolster |
embed |
proponent |
adjourn |
adoration |
adversity |
aggregator |
esoteric |
exoteric |
exorbitant |
daze |
oblivion |
ignite ============================================================== Word of the day: Merriam-Webster for more daily word sites: Daily Word Sites: Learn a New Word Every Day======================================================== Quiz: SAT Vocabulary Tests on Vocab Test.com延長浏覽 : 英文十課 以下內文出自:有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢天成翻譯社 |