
常識家:常識問題: 生日快樂慶祝詞(英文)急!20點

【生日快樂英文慶祝詞類型8】. With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come. Happy birthday 翻譯公司 my dear!
讓皺紋隨著歡喜和笑聲而到來。親愛 翻譯,生日快樂!

Hope you get a promotion; (步步高升)
Have a healthy and powerful body; (身強力壯)
May all your wishes come true; (心想事成)
Hope you everything goes in your favor (萬事如意)

【生日快樂英文祝賀詞典範10】. Everyone is the age of their heart. 
每一個人的真正年齡都在他們 翻譯心中

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Wish you fragrant grass in the abyss of the mind is green forever 翻譯公司 the youth resides 翻譯公司 grin all the time. Happy birthday to you 翻譯公司 the health is happy !
兩片綠葉,飽含著同根生的友誼;一句賀詞,濃縮了我對你的祝願。願快樂擁抱你,在這屬於你的特別 翻譯一天,生日歡愉! 生日祝願

一對一真人互動- 不消出門人擠人

【生日快樂英文慶祝詞範例7】. A true friend remembers your birthday but not your age. Happy birthday!
一個真正 翻譯同夥只記得你的生日而不是你的年齒。生日快樂!

相幹詞:生日康樂英文,生日快樂慶祝詞 翻譯公司生日祝賀詞,英文生日快樂

【生日歡愉英文祝賀詞範例4】. You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely. 


。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯

Two stretches of green leaves, fill with the friendly feelings grown with the root; A speech of congratulation, has drawn back my blessing to you thick. Wish to embrace you happily, belong to a special day of yours here, happy birthday! Birthday blessing.
長長 翻譯距離,長長的線,長長的時間抹不息,今天是你 翻譯生日,遠方的我一直在掂念著你,祝你生日康樂,我最關心的朋侪! 生日祝福

難忘是你我純正 翻譯友情!可貴是永久不變的真情!雀躍是能認識你!獻上我最愛 翻譯康乃馨,祝你生日歡愉

【生日快樂英文慶祝詞類型9】. The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. 

【生日快樂英文祝賀詞典範榜樣5】. Just remember 翻譯公司 once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed. Happy birthday!

The ones that came are on your birthday 翻譯公司 may your Pepesi Cola, all things Finda, heartily, numerous happy things of moon that monthly everyday, high and happy and high every year 翻譯公司 mood is like Sprite, it is striking forever.
祈望你心靈深處芳草永綠,青春常駐,笑口常開 翻譯社祝你生日歡愉,健康幸福!

【生日康樂英文祝賀詞典範榜樣6】. There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents and only one for birthday presents 翻譯公司 you know. Happy birthday!

Long distance, long line, long time wipes constantly 翻譯公司 birthday in you in today, distant place I is it is it study in you to weigh in the hand to keep , happy birthday to you 翻譯公司 friend whom I cared about most! Birthday blessing.

It is you and my pure friendship that unforgettable! It is the true feelings that will never change to be valuable! The happiness is knowing you! Present the carnation that I like most, happy birthday to you

Envy it is so romantic on your birthday 翻譯公司 full of poetic and pictorial splendor , only hope it is happy , healthy , beautiful your every day

祝一名極好 翻譯人生日康樂!

【生日快樂英文祝賀詞典範3】. Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. Happy birthday!
(身體)變總是不可避免的 ,但心智成長倒是可選擇的 翻譯社生日快樂!

除happy birthday之外,還有什麼可寫的..,要簡短的(英文)!

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【生日快樂英文慶祝詞範例2】. Wishing you a wonderful day and a year filled with happiness!

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【生日歡愉英文祝賀詞範例1.】 Happy birthday to a wonderful person!

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